Our next scheduled launch will be on 11 May in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

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after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

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club launches going

hudson cub scouts pack 3104 20230528 1351202896    The first Acton launch of the season was hot and sunny. Temps in the 80's with a mild wind blowing mostly away from the trees, and bright sun! We had a big crowd with some new families and Cub Scout Pack 3104, from Hudson MA. However, we did trade cricket(eer)s for ticks! I'm not sure which is worse. I pulled two ticks of me after venturing into the tall grass for Doodad early in the day. It's going to be a bad tick season.
     369 flights!! Close to 50 of those were from Pack 3104; but even with considering all of the cub scout launches, it was an impressive number of flights. Kudos to the RSO's and LCO's that kept things moving along! The motors ranged from Micromax to G. I didn't see hudson cub scouts pack 3104 20230528 1439594486any land in the trees but we did have seven CATO's by my count. There were at least five NAR competition flights, all from Stephen Maire. Tony Vincent launched the new Estes B.O.S.S., which looked really neat; Bruce Strong launched more of his Dragons and some SciFi movie rockets. Curtis Heisey launched his modified MegaRebel, turning it into a cluster. It had a great up but, unfortunately, a not-so-great down. It was a great day for gliders, but there was only one - Red Baron, launched by myself. It had a really nice, slow circling decent. We almost had a Decaffeinator drag race but winds and igniters nixed it. I did get mine off on an E12 motor. The rocket of the day though goes to Jeremy Hermann for Cubby, in the shape of a bowling pin!
     Acknowledgements to Kenn, Guy, Matt, Scott, Tony, Howard, Ed, Tim D., John P. and everyone else that helped with set-up, take-down and food sales. Pictures are in the Gallery. Please post yours. Our next launch is June 10th in Acton. Don't forget your tick and cricket(eer) spray!



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