Our next scheduled launch is on 27 July in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

Sign up for something on the Launch Duty List

Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

Our second October launch took place on its scheduled day despite some apprehension earlier in the week. And what a great day it turned out to be. The cloudy weather early in the day may have dissuaded many from coming out but for those who did the reward was some of the best conditions we’ve had in Amesbury. We only had 211 flights for the day including a heaping handful of high-power flights with a few each of H- and I-impulse motors putting rockets aloft. For some of these and many of the mid-power launches, the fliers used the Jolly Logic Chute Release – a great device for a field like ours with sometimes short distances to recover a rocket.

There were many Halloween themed rockets; Scott Clement is having an influence on the creative juices of our club members and others. Kevin Cespedes showed off some more of his 3D printed rockets with great success. A group of students from Olin College flew a number of G74’s and WPI was on the field, too. For those who had motors that misbehaved, please remember to get the date code off of the motor and report it on motorcato.org so we can keep track of these incidents. It’s not just for CATO’s on ignition but delays that are too long or too short or don’t occur at all.

Stephen continues to run the NRC event for those who want to participate in contest flying this year; there’s still plenty of time to work on rockets for entry into the contest as it runs through the winter and spring and into the summer.

A word of thanks to the volunteers who helped with the contest flying, food service, safety check and launch control. Big thanks to all who helped with set up and teardown, too. Remember, our next launch is on Sunday, 07 November, and will include a night launch for lighted rockets after the regular launch is over. Volunteer for some of the work at the launch and you’ll get a warm feeling inside which you may need now that the winds of November are upon us.