Our final launch for the season in Amesbury is rescheduled for the 16th of November. We will still have the joint night launch with N.O.R.G. after the daytime launch.

To make it absolutely clear, CMASS does not allow "sparky" motors at any of our launches.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

Sign up for something on the Launch Duty List

Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

cmass cake 20210620 1709869979The launch saw the resumption of food service at our launches - and a cake to celebrate - Thank You Linda!! It also saw the resumption of our friendly Cricketeers trying yet again to weasel the field. The Cricketeers begrudgingly left the field by the time set up was complete - NO CAKE FOR THEM! The weather was good, temps is the 80's with mostly sunny skies. However, the winds were not good. Most of the day they blew toward Route 2 but after a while did blow toward the trees at the other end of the field causing more than a few lost rockets. We had a good size crowd. No scout or student groups but a number of first time fliers and volunteers. All, very much welcome. We had 189 flights ranging from 13 mm A through 1 G74 - and yes it was Howard and it landed just off the field! We had a few CATO's. The most spectacular was of an Aerotech F50-6T motor in one of my scratch built rockets - Killi. Fortunately, there was no damage (and Aerotech replaced the motor). Rob Caswell also had two CATO's of 13mm A motors.

The wind was an issue and resulted in a number of long recovery walks and a few rockets lost to the trees. I launch field 20210629 1418203514lost a FlisKits SPAD, a really nice Door Knob (Matt Ryan) was also taken by the trees and I believe Todd Lainhart lost his FlisKits Tres. Dan Shea launched is Baby Blue Bertha at least 4 times; the last flight taken by the trees. But he did get it back! Jim Flis was there and tested a new prototype - a Deuce's Wild look-a-like with two clusters of 4 13 mm A motors. Both flights went well and it was neat to see. Jim and Bruce Strong also drag-raced their Space Raiders. Pictures are in the Gallery. Please post yours.

Thanks to everyone who attended for abiding by the Covid guidelines. Thanks again to Kenn and Guy for manning the launch controls; to Matt, Linda and Christine for helping with food and to everyone else that help set up and take down. We also had a few new people trying their hand at RSO and LCO duties - thanks to them as well. 

            Our next launch is July 17 back in Acton.