Our next scheduled launch will be on 11 May in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

Sign up for something on the Launch Duty List

Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

Summer came early to our May Acton launch with high temperatures but clear skies and gentle winds. We didn’t have to worry about the attendance restrictions we had last year and we had a great turnout. There were 169 total launches from MicroMaxx to G-impulse, everything the field would allow.

The highlight of the day was a group launch by Bryeth and eight of his friends celebrating his sixth birthday; all nine rockets whooshed into the sky much to the delight of all. His mom had bought a dozen Estes Firestreaks that the kids could assemble and launch at the party and she says we’ve inspired 12 future rocketeers. CMASS would like to extend thanks to all the grown-ups that brought the kids and had such a great party for them especially as they shared the treats with the big kids in our club. Bryeth’s mom would also like to thank the club and so many of its members for help and generosity (Ray sold many Fliskits rockets some of which were given to the kids at the party so they’ll have some more things to fly when they come back to visit us).

The Worcester Civil Air Patrol group flew with us, too, helping raise our day's flight total. As happens, the trees claimed a few rockets that drifted that way but they also returned a rocket Howard had put in there last year. As mentioned above, Ray DiPaola was there representing Fliskits and flying a few models to demonstrate the company's wares. Mr. Jim Flis himself even showed up for a while.

We did have to shoo the cricketeers off the field early on; some stayed around for a bit to watch our activities. Let’s hope they respect our reserving the field for the few days we have it this year and only come out to enjoy our flying.

Our June launch will see the return of food service on the field as well as our volunteer sign-up sheet. If you are a NAR member and want to take a shift at safety check or launch control, please sign up for an hour or two. There are a couple of slots for food service and, as always, you don’t have to sign up for set-up and break-down duty just be there to help out; the usual crew will be happy to train you as many hands make work light.



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