Our next scheduled launch is on 27 July in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

Sign up for something on the Launch Duty List

Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

 Once again we were treated to some fine flying weather with low humidity and light winds. Thre was a good turnout that included several vendors.Outside of an initial shortage of flight cards and the finicky wireless mic the launch went smoothly with around 275 flights with the usual mix from 1/8A to G. There are pictures scattered all over the place. You can find them here, here, here, and here. And here and here too. You can use your imagination to put a caption on that picture on the right.