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Range Etiquette

13 years 7 months ago #4666 by billspad
Replied by billspad on topic Re:Range Etiquette
KennB wrote:

Check the sign on the Rocketry Forum


That\'s got to be a good idea.

Did you read the part about how they assign the pads at the MDRA launches? I think someone described it as the running of the bulls.

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13 years 7 months ago #4667 by guyw
Replied by guyw on topic Re:Range Etiquette
I don\'t know about that - there are already too many dogs around at Amesbury and wouldn\'t the Espresso just make the kids run even faster into the center of the launch circle?


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13 years 7 months ago #4668 by KennB
Replied by KennB on topic Re:Range Etiquette
billspad wrote:

Did you read the part about how they assign the pads at the MDRA launches? I think someone described it as the running of the bulls.

I tried reading it but I\'m on vacation and my brain isn\'t working at a level needed to understand their logic. It does seem a little bass ackwards to have someone find their own pad, get a safety check and then let the LCO know. Maybe it\'s a good system; I\'m just used to our perfect way of doing things.

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13 years 7 months ago #4669 by jbuscaglia
Replied by jbuscaglia on topic Re:Range Etiquette
billspad wrote:

KennB wrote:

Check the sign on the Rocketry Forum


That\'s got to be a good idea.

Did you read the part about how they assign the pads at the MDRA launches? I think someone described it as the running of the bulls.

I saw that same sign in the Hobby Emporium in Tyngsboro. It sounds like a good idea, but you have to wait until they become attended again before implementing it. Otherwise it only makes your problem worse.

What I find astonishing is that they can\'t see that there\'s a problem with their set-up. Everyone likes to believe that their way is the best way, ourselves included. I happen to think that we\'re pretty darn close. We have some issues that we would need to address if we were to host a large-scale event like this, though.

I believe that the root cause of their problem is the rack mentality. Even so, they could alleviate the problem with a \"frequency control board\" type solution. Assuming that the board listed which pads could accommodate which type of lug, you could grab the clipboard for the appropriate pad, load your rocket and bring the clipboard back. No clipboard, no pad.

Dogs and children should both be kept on leashes. At least until they demonstrate that they can behave or they can drive to the launch on their own. The lack of opposable thumbs will make the second part harder for the dogs, though.

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13 years 7 months ago #4671 by BiggerHigherFaster
Replied by BiggerHigherFaster on topic Re:Range Etiquette
Hi Everyone,
My son(12) and I attended our first launch last weekend and we had a great time! We will definitely be back with more rockets,hopefully on the 20th.

I only just signed up for the forum though and saw this post and realized that in our enthusiasm we did violate some of the etiquette rules.

At least once we nearly walked through the circle, partly because we were a little disoriented and distracted by what we were doing and all the activity, and on the way back from retrieving one of our rockets we picked up someone\'s to save them the walk. In the second case, I am pretty sure that the gesture was taken for what it was, but I see now how it could be miss understood.

In the first case, of course it is foolish to walk through the circle, but as I said we were a little distracted by everything and my son was very excited. I wonder if some caution tape around the circle might be in order?

In addition to all these mistakes I also failed to pay my launch fee! As I said we are definitely coming back and I will catch up on my fees then.

I wonder if in addition to the launch control table, a newbie registration table off to the side would be appropriate. I had checked out the website and sent a few mails before hand to find out what the deal was, but when I walked up, I just asked who ever was around me. Everyone was very helpful, but no one wants to start laying down the law to the \'noobs\' who just showed up. A registration would provide an opportunity to check people in, have them pay their fee, get oriented about procedures, and perhaps get a run down on etiquette by someone \'official\'.

Again, we had a great time and look forward to coming back.
Best regards,

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13 years 7 months ago #4674 by billspad
Replied by billspad on topic Re:Range Etiquette
BiggerHigherFaster wrote:

I wonder if some caution tape around the circle might be in order?

We usually do but didn\'t bother this time because I thought attendance would be lower than it was. Even so we didn\'t have that many inner circle incursions. I think it\'s because Kenn wasn\'t there.

I wonder if in addition to the launch control table, a newbie registration table off to the side would be appropriate.

We usually have a table for the launch fee but we were a little short handed.

Once we get past the flying season we\'re going to get the range etiquette and some other instructions up in an easy to find place on the website for new people.

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