Our next scheduled launch and NRC event will be on 22 June in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

                                  Check your email for information about our upcoming video meetings

Sign up for something on the Launch Duty List

Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

Watch for upcoming opportunities to volunteer and help keep our
club launches going

We closed out our summer events in Acton with some of the best weather we’ve seen at a launch in a long time. The temperature and humidity were pleasant and the wind was not too bad. It did throw some people for a loop that we set up the ring of pads closer to the Route 2 end of the field than usual but that gave us more recovery space based on the wind direction predicted for the day.

We had 246 total flights including a few CATO’s that made it off the rod or rail. Estes black powder motors were the most commonly flown but we had a good mix of Quest BP, Quest Q-Jets, Aerotech single-use and reloadable composites and CTI reloads with impulse levels ranging from MicroMaxx to G. Lots of the usual suspects were there flying new and well used models and we had many newer flyers and families showing up and demonstrating their skills and some first timers that were as happy to find us as we were to have them join us.

There was an uptick in people volunteering at this launch, too (a trend I hope continues). I apologize in advance if I miss anyone but thanks go out to Linda for helping Matt with the food service; to Christopher, Dan, Todd, Daniel, John and the others for help at launch control and safety check; to Jim for bringing his jawstand rail pad. Special thanks go to Sam Fineberg for storing and hauling the club trailer to allow Guy time off to tend to family and to Frank DeAngelo for doing a bank run because someone (me!) forgot the cash boxes Guy entrusted to me. And thanks, too, to all who helped with the most important and labor intensive parts of the launch, set-up and tear down.

The rest of our year will be spent in Amesbury. As we did in Acton, we’ll continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing with Saturn V launches and any other manned rocket models that may come along. Please feel free to come join us with your rockets or just as a spectator.

We also moved some of the rockets and parts from Robert DeHate and raised some money for the Bill Spadafora Memorial Fund. Check the forum post to see what's left.



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