I've been thinking I'd like to take a crack at writing articles. I enjoy writing and I enjoy being at launches and watching what the rest of the club is launching. The downside is, I enjoy launching my own stuff and I'm usually so busy at it that I don't have time to catch all the highlights or even remember who launched what. And if I end up going for a stroll to recover something, I miss a good twenty minutes or more of the action. So in order to do a proper job of it, I'd have to cut back on my own launching.
You write good articles, Claude but even so, a lot goes unmentioned. People like to see themselves in print. I know I do.
Question: Why limit ourselves to just one article per launch? Could we make this more of a group effort, having two or more "reporters" on site so that we can "tage team", and have one keeping an eye on things so another can launch a few? That way maybe more of us will "make the papers".
Thoughts, ideas, suggestions?