Hey Everyone!
Thunder over the Turf is just less than 2 weeks away!
Now that things are falling into place, here's a more "official" post.
1. Event details
We'll be hosting 2 ranges, one sport range (for model rockets, or "pyro" lets say), and one for the Paper Rocket Competition. Details about it will follow soon as well.
2. Launch Passes
For those wishing to fly (pyro), a launch pass of $5 will be obtainable at the site. This is good all day and unlimited. This goes towards fundraising our TARC initiative and other club activities!
Children under 14 wishing to fly will not need a pass, likewise, any non pyro rocket flown doesn't need a launch pass as well, regardless of age.
Launch Pass Form
Timing ;
The event runs from 11 AM to 3 PM. 4. Field Limits Engine Classes of 1/4A - D Will be allowed. E and F rockets can be allowed, but you’ll need to discuss that with us prior or on launch day. Our Altitude Ceiling now stands at around 350 ft. If you have a Jolly Logic Chute Release, you may be allowed to break this limit, but please contact us so we can help.
If you have a youth/scout group wishing to attend, or have any questions about the event, feel free to contact us!
You can reach out to me via the forum, or contact the event director via the NAR event site as posted above.
If you're interested in attending, please fill out the Interest Form, and if applicable, Launch Pass Form. Thanks!
Interest; forms.gle/KnEx2vHx4qEgYMn88
Launch Pass