CMASS will host a series of launches for TARC teams to perform practice launches and/or qualifying attempts at the School St Field in Acton. The dates are 18 February, 04 &18 March and 01 April. These are not open club launches but any club members (especially NAR members) are encouraged to come by to help with performing our tasks of witnessing, timing and completing the paperwork (if there's some down time, club volunteers may be able to put a few up, no guarantees).
Any TARC teams that want to avail themselves of this opportunity should post a reply on this forum or contact a CMASS officer through our website. Teams should bring all of the supplies they will need to do as many launches as we can fit in during each session. These supplies will include rockets, motors, starters, eggs, paperwork and anything else needed to prep for each flight. CMASS will provide the ground support equipment including 6-foot long 1010 launch rails and an excellent launch system with relays to ensure good ignition.
We want to be set up and ready to go by 11 AM and will fly until about 3PM depending on how many teams come to fly with us each day. Keep an eye on the website as weather conditions may change the dates we've planned.
You can also attend our Winter Follies to work on your TARC launches. Please keep an eye on the website as the date of the Winter Follies may change due to wind and other weather conditions.