'That's Gross?'... 'Too Gross?'... 'Terry Gross?'... No, Two Gross - as in we had XXXX flights!*
We had another good crowd that day, again with new faces. The winds were a lot milder than predicted, overcast most of the day with temps in the 70's. The trees did take their share and the power line got one too! The motors ranged from 13 mm through G, at least three CATO's, and a lot going on.
Dick Pelle was there with his water rocket and again some very nice flights and one of the strangest Drag Races with Rob Caswell's Applewhite saucer. I have no idea as to how to judge that one. Another odd Drag Race between Jim Salem's Big Mosquito (F23) vs Justin O'Neill's Mega Mosquito (D12-3). That one was a little more obvious. Stephen Maire had a few NRC flights - a really nice hellicopter recovery that took forever to come down. It landed in the field across from School Street; but he was able to find it. Bruce Strong launched a few of his creations, including the Eiffel Tower. Unfortunately the Eiffel Tower lawn-darted (good thing the Olympics were over!). Cian Barry flew his Draco BG, again with a great glide. It did land hard on the pavement, but I think it's repairable. Carlo Favazza launched his Estes Dragonite first on an A8-3, then B6-4, and finally C6-7. Third time was not a charm, because he lost it. However, it was found and Carlo, you can pick it up at the CMASS Lost and Found at the next launch. Rod Thomas had several flights, a couple that didn't go so well. But his new Mini Wallace & Gromit was a nice flight. It landed in the corn, but he was able to find it. And his Talon is really pretty. It is still summer and there is still corn and Scott Clement did launch his 'Corn on the Cob'.
OK, so when did 'maiden' as in 'maiden flight' become 'May Din Flight'. There were three launch cards by three different individuals writing it that way! Don't nobody write 'May Din Flight' on their launch card when I'm RSO!
The flight of the day goes to Howard Greenblatt who launched his dad's Semroc Orbital Transport honoring his dad turning 99!! Happy Birthday Greenblatt, The Elder!
Finally, I want to give a shout out to Daniel Shea. At almost every launch, I see Dan helping some newcomer(s) with prep'ing and loading their rockets. I don't know how he finds them, but I know they appreciate it, and it is a great way to pay-it-forward. Thanks Dan!
Thanks to Kenn, Guy, Bruce, Matt, Linda, Todd, John P., and everyone else who helped out with food, set up and take down. Pictures are in the Gallery. Please post yours. Our next launch and the last one of the season in Acton is Sept 7.
*Stolen from Kenn.