Our next scheduled launch is on 27 July in Acton.

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after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

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club launches going

fliskits previews 20230724 1346988389      The weather predictions were not looking good, even the morning of the launch. But we should know better by now. It was partly sunny most of the day, temps in the 80's with mild to moderate winds blowing toward Route 2. But the rains never came.

      We had another busy day with 277 flights with a motor range from 13mm A up to G. We did have a couple of CATO's (one being mine) and a couple of rockets that landed in the trees, and one on the power lines. We had four competition flights, all by Stephen Maire. Richard Pelle had much more success this time launching his water-powered rocket. The flights were all good, but I would describe the recoveries as 'belly-flop' recovery. Bruce Strong had much more success with his Eiffel Tower. But no dragons this launch! We miss the dragons! Ray DiPaola of FlisKits was there with kits to sell and prototyping a new set of 18 mm motor kits - subatomic particle series. There was Z-Boson, W-Boson, Gluon, Tachyon, Muon and Higgs Boson that I saw. All were pretty neat and flew well. We had a sesveral drag races as well. The nicest-rocket drag race would go to Mike Lehmann and Daniel Shea with two really the rain mirage 20230716 1108949735neat Mercury Redstones. They both won!

      A big thank you to the three vendors at the field, Wildman CT, Happy Chutes and FlisKits. We really appreciate them making the trek to Acton and hope they return!

      OK, so what's the milestone. We surpassed 1000 flights for the season. Flight 277 was actually number 1065 for the season so far. Which means - Flight 212 was flight 1000! So who is the lucky winner with Launch Card 212? - Rick Hobbs!! Congratulations Rick! For launching flight 1000 you and a guest will be spending a fabulous, all expense paid, week at the luxurious Honolulu Hilton on the beautiful island of Oahu! And Rick, you and your guest will be getting there in style with first class tickets on American Airlines! To claim your prize, contact any CMASS officer. Some restrictions may apply.*

            Acknowledgements to Kenn, Guy, Matt, Linda, Scott, Tony, Ed, John P. and everyone else that helped with set-up, take-down and food sales. Pictures are in the Gallery. Please post yours. Our next launch is Aug 12th in Acton.

*Not valid in the continental United States, Alaska, or Hawaii.