Our next scheduled launch will be on 11 May in Acton.

CMASS Flag 3

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Check GO/NO GO status call or text our Launch Hotline: 857-24-CMASS (857-242-6277)
after 7 AM the day of scheduled launch

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club launches going

 Screen Shot 2018 09 17 at 6.55.39 PMThis was a great (and sad) day to bid farewell to FlisKits - Jim's 16th and final anniversary launch. The temps were in the 60's/70's with virtually no wind. A low cloud cover but other than that, great weather for a launch. We had 302 flights, which is more than we have been seeing recently. Only four high-power flights because of the low cloud cover, with one successful L1 certification attempt. Troop 28 from Wenham attended with a good contingent of scouts. But the guests of honor were definitely Jim and his family with all of the grand kids! I had the pleasure of meeting a few of his family including Mira! - What a cutie!!

Some of the highlights (and I know I'm missing a few). Boris's Toginator and Saucer made two great crowd-pleasing flights. I think Tony flew all FlisKits that day and all of his are really pretty. Howard flew his upscale Corona and Curtis flew his upscale Deuce's Wild. I flew my Streaming UFFO to announce serving of the cake! Steve Kranish was there with some great competition 13mm gliders. I have never seen gliders fly that long. They were great to see. Of course we had the Frick-n-Frack drag race - 10 total. Ironically, the only one that did not take off was Jim's! And last but not least - CAKE! It was great - thanks Jim!streaming uffo 20180917 1818816268

We want to thank Boris for the use of his car as shuttle; Mark Crisione for his shifts at shuttle driver; Linda for manning the hot dogs through most of the afternoon, Matt for buying all of the food and Matt and Carmine for helping serve; Kenn, Guy, Howard and Dan Petrie for manning the launch table, and everyone that helped set up and take down the equipment.

The end of an era. Jim says he will still be coming to CMASS launches, just flying for fun from now on. You've earned it!

Pictures are in the Gallery - please post yours. Our next scheduled launch is Oct 6th in Amesbury!



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