

The date requested is before today.

windy day 20180423 1598117967Well at least it wasn't snowing! Our first launch of the season was mostly sunny and the temps made it to the 50's in the afternoon but it was a windy day. The CMASS flag was fully stretched most of the day. Fortunately, the wind was blowing in the right direction - away from the power lines. It was a small crowd of about 30 to 40 people for most of the day with a good contingent from U. Mass Lowell and U. Mass Amherst. FlisKits and Jason of AMW were also in attendance.

There was a total of 81 flights; considering the wind, that was pretty good. There were definitely some brave fliers there on Saturday. The U Mass students, ably mentored by our own Howard, had eight L1 certification flights; all were successful, with only one landing in a tree, about 50 ft. up near the parking area. I don't know if they were able to retrieve it by the end of the day. I believe all of the cert flights used Chute Release and only two were not successful - i.e. the chute fully deployed at apogee and not the set altitude. The student certification flights were our only high-power flights that day. Interestingly, no other fliers were brave enough to attempt a high-power flight.

There were a few first-time fliers and observers there. Jim helped out one family with two young boys get started. I was speaking with another that just came by to watch. They had also come to one of our TARC launches; hopefully they will return with some rockets of their own.last bit 20180422 1236747446

Thanks to the U Mass students for help with set up and take down; Linda, Dominic and Carmine for food service, and everyone else who helped out. There are some pictures in the Gallery; please add yours.

Our next launch is our joint launch with MMMSC on May 19 in Berwick ME.